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  • Secretaría: Lun - Vie 9:30h a 13:30h



EDENE, the European doctoral program in energy and environment, managed by the University of Pau et des Pays de l'Adour - UPPA, France, at the Center for Doctoral Studies, and co-financed within the framework of the Marie-Sklodovska-Curie COFUND actions of the program Horizon H2020 from the European Commission, launches its second call for projects on December 10, 2021. This call will end on March 31, 2022.

All information on:


Opening of EDENE CALL#2: 12/10/2021

Closure of EDENE CALL#2: 03/31/2022


Through this second call for projects CALL#2, EDENE will allow 10 excellent researchers to develop their talent beyond the Master while being integrated in the best teams of the UPPA and possible partners. All research areas are accepted as long as the project has a connection to energy and/or the environment in a broad definition of the terms. Motivated candidates are asked to define their own research project in cooperation with their host unit at the UPPA, so they can develop a successful cooperation in term of research, excellence and career development.

Application for CALL#2 begins!

Consult the Guide for Applicants on and go apply on

For general questions about the application assistance, please contact: Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo.

El próximo lunes 17 de enero, de 17:30 hasta 19:00 h. se va a impartir un webinar sobre el manejo de Zotero, gestor de referencias bibliográficas, destinado a doctorandos.

Zotero es un gestor de referencias – software libre – que surge como un complemento de Mozilla Firefox y que se convierte en aplicación en el año 2011. Actualmente está disponible para Windows, GNU/Linux y Mac OSX.

Con este curso podrás aprender a recopilar referencias desde múltiples fuentes, así como a crear las citas y bibliografía con Zotero. REQUIERE INSCRIPCIÓN

El enlace a la ficha formativa con la inscripción es el siguiente:

On Thursday January 20th at 2.30pm Madrid Time-1.30pm Lisbon/Canary Islands Time IMFAHE is launching the Quarter Course on Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Leadership (final syllabus with all the details of the course attached).  This course is OPEN for ALL YOUR STUDENTS and certified with 30h.  

The link to  access all the live sessions is:

All the information and  the links to the recorded sessions (in case someone cannot attend the live classes) will be updated in our website 

Please promote the course among all your university community, the more that benefit from this online education, the better.

On behalf of lMFAHE´s team I wish you all the best for 2022.
