Resolution 4/CU 17-5-10, by which, in accordance with section 1 of the University of Seville Regulations on the awarding of Honorary PhD Degrees (Resolution 5/CU 24-5-01 and modified by Resolution 3.2/CU 10-7-03) and at the proposal of the Honorary PhD Committee, it is agreed by assent, to determine that the maximum number of Honorary PhD Degrees that may be awarded during the IX Term of office is five, one for each of the branches of knowledge provided for in RD 1393/2007, and which are indicated below: Arts and Humanities; Sciences; Health Sciences; Social and Legal Sciences; and Engineering and Architecture.
It is also agreed that a maximum of three additional PhD Degrees may be awarded in the event of proposals of exceptional significance.
Regulations of the University of Seville on the awarding of Honorary PhD Degrees
(Approved by Agreement 5/CU 24-5-01 and amended by Agreement 3.2/CU 10-7-03)
1. At the beginning of each term of office, the Faculty Senate shall determine the maximum number of honorary PhD Degrees that may be awarded during that term, and their distribution by academic areas and periods.
2. Initiatives may be submitted to the PhD Committee by the Departments, Centres or the Social Council, subject to the agreement of their respective collegiate governing bodies adopted by absolute majority.
3. Initiatives may be presented within the deadlines established by the Faculty Senate at the session where the number and distribution of honorary PhD Degrees for the corresponding term of office is approved.
4. The PhD Committee, following a hearing with the representatives of the bodies that have promoted initiatives and after obtaining the opinions it deems appropriate, shall, where appropriate, submit to the Governing Council a proposal for the appointment of honorary PhD Degrees in accordance with the number and distribution established by the Faculty Senate for that period.
However, the PhD Committee, once the initiatives presented have been analysed, may submit fewer proposals to the Governing Council than the number established by the Faculty Senate for that period, in which case there may be no accumulation of unawarded honorary PhD Degrees between the different areas.
5.1. The proposal of the PhD Committee shall be submitted to the Governing Council and shall be communicated to its members no less than fifteen days before the session at which it is to make a decision. Members of the Governing Council may submit reasoned written observations on the merits of the proposed candidates.
5.2. If no objections have been made to the proposal, the Governing Council shall, without further procedure, endorse and submit it to the Honorary PhD Committee of the Faculty Senate for its report.
5.3. If objections against the proposal of the PhD Committee have been presented, they shall be debated by the Governing Council, which, in a secret ballot, shall agree to shelve the proposal or endorse it, and continue the procedure under the terms of section 2 above.
6. 1. The proposal of the Governing Council, together with the background documentation, shall be forwarded to the Honorary PhD Committee of the Faculty Senate, who shall inform the members of the Faculty Senate no less than fifteen days before the session at which the Committee is to issue its report on the proposal. Members of the Faculty Senate may submit to the Committee reasoned written observations on the merits of the proposed candidates.
6. 2. If no objections have been raised to the proposal of the Governing Council, the proposal shall be submitted, without debate, to the Faculty Senate for approval by secret ballot.
6.3. If objections to the proposal of the Governing Council have been submitted or if the proposal has been adopted by a vote, the Committee shall, after discussion, report on the proposal by secret ballot. If the report is negative, the proposal shall be closed without further action; if it is positive, it shall be discussed and submitted to the Faculty Senate for approval by secret ballot.
7. The representative of the body that has taken the initiative shall be invited to the session of the Faculty Senate that is to decide on the proposal, in order to answer any questions that may be put to them by the members of the Faculty Senate.
Single additional provision. - Without prejudice to the provisions of article one, in circumstances of extraordinary significance, and for reasons of institutional order, the Rector, having heard the Honorary PhD Committee, may propose directly to the Faculty Senate the appointment as Honorary Doctor of exceptionally qualified persons in the academic, scientific, artistic, cultural, social or political fields. The Faculty Senate, in a session convened for this purpose and after discussion, shall decide on the proposal by secret ballot