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  • Secretary's Office: Mon - Fri 9:30 to 13:30


Escuela Internacional de Doctorado. Pabellón de México. Paseo de las Delicias S/N. 41013. Sevilla

Get directions

Bus lines.

  • LIne 03: Stop at Paseo Las Delicias opposite Pabellón de Brasil.
  • LIne 06: Stop at Paseo Las Delicias opposite Pabellón de Brasil.
  • LIne 34: Stop at Paseo Las Delicias opposite Pabellón de Brasil.

Access by bicycle

You can also reach Pabellón de México using the bicycle lane on Paseo las Delicias - Avenida la Palmera, which also has several stations of the municipal bike rental service (SEViCi).

Check the status of station No. 144, located right opposite Pabellón de México
